International Transaction Journal of Engineering,
Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.11(14) (2020)
(Special Issue: Selected Articles from IDSISA2020 Conference @ Russia)


    S.N. Zdanovich, A.N. Dobudko, V.A. Syrovitsky, O.N. Yastrebova(Department of General and Special Zootechnics, Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin, Belgorod, RUSSIAN FEDERATION),
    V.V. Smirnova, N.A. Sidelnikova (Department of Agricultural Production and Processing Technology Belgorod Region, Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin, Belgorod, RUSSIAN FEDERATION),
    T.V. Kreneva (Department of General and Special Zootechnics, Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin, Belgorod, RUSSIAN FEDERATION).

    Disciplinary: Animal Sciences, Zootechnics, Biological Science; Agriculture Business.


    DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.269

    Keywords: Zootechnical parameters; Reproductive capacity; Rabbit housing system; Replacement young rabbits; Industrial breeding rabbits; Rabbit house microclimate parameters.

    Industrial rabbit breeding is currently a high-potential livestock industry. Rabbits are characterized by large litter and early maturity. Increasing meat production of industrial breeding rabbits will meet domestic market needs, create industry conditions, and thus increase profits. To study rabbit adaptation, two groups of replacement doe rabbits were kept in a two-tier, two-sided all-metal mesh battery and in cages for the outdoor keeping of rabbits, for 30% of the core herd. The density of keeping replacement young animals was 4-5 animals in a cage; doe rabbits selected for replacement were born from doe rabbits with large litters and much milk which had grown at least 90% of their baby rabbits. Experimental groups received a diet of granulated compound feeds for rabbits. Veterinary hygiene conditions were the same. All females left for herd replacement were evaluated by live weight, body type, and density of hair on their legs. Replacement doe rabbits had an average live weight of 3.5 kg, body type and density of hair met the requirements for hybrids. This study recommends replacing obsolete cages for keeping rabbits with industrial-type cages that will facilitate work with breeding and replacement rabbits, as well as increase output products for the room with the same area. Laboratory of rabbit breeding of "Agrotechnopark" Academic and Research Innovation Center meets the requirements for modern livestock buildings concerning conditions of keeping, zoological hygiene, feeding, bacterial contamination, and accordingly has the potential for additional purchases of rabbits to expand the base.

    Paper ID: 11A14H

    Cite this article:

    Zdanovich, S.N., Dobudko, A.N., Syrovitsky, V.A., Yastrebova, O.N., Smirnova, V.V., Sidelnikova, N.A., Kreneva, T.V. (2020). ADAPTIVE CAPACITIES OF REPLACEMENT HYBRID DOE RABBITS TO INDUSTRIAL HOUSING CONDITIONS OF AGROTECHNOPARK. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(14), 11A14B, 1-12.


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