International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(7) (2021)


  1. Aghimien, E., Aigbavboa, C., & Aghimien, D. (2018). Exploring Salt Reaction on Buildings along Coastal Area in Lagos State, Nigeria-A Review. The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Pretoria/ Johannesburg, South Africa.
  2. Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Kelas suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rinekacipta.
  3. Asian Development Bank. (2013). India: Promoting Inclusive Urban Development in Indian Cities. Technical Assistance Consultant's Report for Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA). India.
  4. Damayanti, S., Moersidik, S. S., & Sarwono, S. W. (2014). Dampak Perubahan Perilaku Penghuni Rumah Susun Sewa (Studi kasus Rumah Susun Sewa Cinta Kasih Cengkareng Jakarta). Lingkungan Tropis, 8(1), 1-12.
  5. Department of Public Housing and Settlement Areas of Jepara Regency. (2018). Pelayanan Hunian Rusunawa dan Rusus. Retrieved Feb 2020.
  6. Directorate General of Budget Ministry of Finance. (2015). Peranan APBN Dalam Mengatasi Backlog Perumahan bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR). Jakarta: Directorate General of Budget Ministry of Finance.
  7. Directorate General of Human Settlements. (2010). Rusunawa untuk Mengurangi, Bukan Menambah Kekumuhan. Buletin Cipta Karya.
  8. Djunaedi, A., & Basuki, M. N. (2002). Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 3(3), 225-231.
  9. Gultom, L. H., & Sunarti, S. (2017). Pengaruh Penataan Permukiman Kumuh untuk Mencapai Livable Settlement di Kelurahan Tambakrejo Kota Semarang. Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, 5(2), 140-148.
  10. Kustianingrum, D., Salahudin, F., Yusuf, A., & Mulyana, A. (2012). Kajian Tatanan Massa dan Bentuk Bangunan terhadap Konsep Ekologi Griyo Tawang Solo. ITENAS: ITENAS Library.
  11. Ministerial Regulation. (2007). Concerning the Management of Simple Rental Flats Jakarta. No. 14/2007, Ministerial Regulation, Republic of Indonesia.
  12. Ministerial Regulation of Public Housing. (2008). Concerning Minimum Service Standards for Provincial and District/City Regional Public Housing. No. 22/Permen/M/2008, Jakarta: Ministerial Regulation, Republic of Indonesia.
  13. Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements. (2016). Pemanfaatan Rusunawa. Jakarta: Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements.
  14. Murbaintoro, T., Ma'arif, M. S., Sutjahjo, S. H., & Saleh, I. (2009). Model Pengembangan Hunian Vertikal Menuju Pembangunan Perumahan Berkelanjutan. Jurnal Permukiman, 4(2), 72-87.
  15. Pandelaki, E. E., Purwanto, E., Olivia, D., & Agung, W. (2015). Faktor-Faktor Pembentuk Kinerja Spasial Rumah Susun Kaitannya dengan Kepuasan Penghuni. Modul, 15(2), 85-106.
  16. Pradika, E. (2014). Pengaruh Pembangunan Rusunawa Kyai Mojo Terhadap Penanganan Permukiman Kumuh Di Kawasan Pesisir. Jurnal Tekno Global, 3(1).
  17. Sunarti, Syahbana, J. A., & Manaf, A. (2014). Slum Upgrading Without Displacement at Danukusuman Sub-District Surakarta City. International Transaction Journal of Engineering Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 5(3), 213-225.
  18. Sunarti, S., Widjajanti, R., & Helmi, M. (2019). Community Empowerment for Controlling Environmental Pollution in Coastal Slum Demaan, Jepara. The 3rd International Conference on Indonesian Social & Political Enquiries (ICISPE 2018).
  19. Thojib, J., & Yatnawijaya, B. (2016). Desain Shading Device pada Bangunan Kantor Surabaya. Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Arsitekturs, 4(4).
  20. Torrance, H. (2012). Triangulation, Respondent Validation, and Democratic Participation in Mixed Methods Research. Journal of mixed-method research, 6(2), 111-123.
  21. Yin, R. K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Fourth Ed., CA: Sage Publisher.

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